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“Young people, who are still uncertain of their identity, often try on a succession of masks in the hope of finding the one which suits them - the one, in fact, which is not a mask.” (W. H. Auden) 

The period of adolescence is fraught with emotional, physical and environmental challenges. Many adolescents feel they are alone and find it hard to express their internal world. They are filled with feelings of missing out, misunderstanding, being misunderstood, and of not enough people who “get me.”

In therapy with Yitzi, adolescents are offered an opportunity for a profound therapeutic relationship in which they can feel understood, explore and move amidst their dilemmas, indecisions, doubts, difficulties and fears. Yitzi places an emphasis on the importance of the therapeutic relationship with adolescents and creating a sense that they have a place to simply be, to wonder, reflect, ponder and to feel.

Many times, adolescents do not feel comfortable sharing difficulties and dilemmas with their parents. They want to experience the experiences, talk about it with friends or keep it inside, to themselves. Sometimes, adolescents feel the need to share but do not know how. They have a hard time finding the ‘right’ words to talk about the experiences and difficulties, and are afraid of the reactions of others.

At the same time, the adolescents’ parents feel alienated from their children and a lot of tension in their desire for a deep connection and open communications. This goes hand in hand with an understanding that privacy and supporting new experiences are the foundations for a rich, safe and profound process of adolescence.

Subsequently, in his work with adolescents Yitzi specializes in the following areas:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Social difficulties and social anxiety

  • Eating disorders

  • Gender identity and sexual orientation

  • Trauma

  • The relationship between Parents and adolescents / Parent-adolescent relationships

To schedule a meeting call +1(773)-492-4495 or 972-530823-1031
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